Module Fang_cmake

Tools for interacting with CMake.

type system_error = [
| `Msg of string
val create_project : ?⁠tiger_compile_options:Bos.Cmd.t -> ?⁠c_compile_options:Bos.Cmd.t -> ?⁠link_options:Bos.Cmd.t -> ?⁠rt_dir:Fpath.t -> ?⁠build_dir:Fpath.t -> ?⁠name:string -> Fpath.t -> (Fpath.t * string, system_error) Stdlib.result

create_project path defines a CMake project on the file-system for compiling the Tiger file with path path. The result is the path of the CMake build directory and the CMake project name.

If everything is successful, when the resulting CMake project is built it produces an executable $build_dir/$name.

By default, the build directory is $(working_dir)/_fangbuild but may be selected via build_dir.

By default, the CMake project name is derived from the path of the Tiger file. For example, if the path is my_tiger_file.tig then the name will be my_tiger_file.

The CMake project needs to know the location of Fang's runtime source code. By default, the location is identified based on the path of the fangc executable. If this heuristic fails, then the location can be manually specified via rt_dir.

tiger_compile_options are options forwarded to fangc for compiling the Tiger source file into assembly.

c_compile_options are are options forwarded to the C compiler for compiling Fang's runtime and the assembly file produced by fangc.

link_options are the options forwarded to the C compiler for linking the runtime library to the object file to produce an executable program.

val with_configure_cmd : ?⁠cmake_options:Bos.Cmd.t -> build_dir:Fpath.t -> (Bos.Cmd.t -> ('asystem_error) Stdlib.result) -> ('asystem_error) Stdlib.result

with_configure_cmd ~build_dir f invokes f with a command that configures the CMake project with build-directory build_dir.

val with_build_cmd : build_dir:Fpath.t -> (Bos.Cmd.t -> ('asystem_error) Stdlib.result) -> ('asystem_error) Stdlib.result

with_build_cmd ~build_dir f invokes f with a command that builds the CMake project with build-directory build_dir.