Module Fang

High-level compiler interface.

While most of Fang's internals are architecture-agnostic, all the functionality here is specialized to the x86-64 architecture for convenience.

Unlike the functionality in Fang_x64, these functions compile Tiger "end-to-end": from parsing to producing output.

Compilation errors

type error = [
| `Parsing of parsing_error * source_span
| `Validation of validation_error * source_span
val pp_error : error Fmt.t


val compile_to_tiger : Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit Fmt.terror) Stdlib.result
val compile_to_ir : ?⁠safe:bool -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit Fmt.terror) Stdlib.result
val compile_to_canonical_ir : ?⁠safe:bool -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit Fmt.terror) Stdlib.result
val compile_to_flow : ?⁠safe:bool -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit Fmt.terror) Stdlib.result
val compile_to_allocated_flow : ?⁠safe:bool -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit Fmt.terror) Stdlib.result
val compile_to_asm : ?⁠safe:bool -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit Fmt.terror) Stdlib.result

Advanced interfaces

These interfaces are more flexible then the simple functions above, but most of the time that flexibility shouldn't be required.

module Compile_to_tiger : functor (T : TIGER) -> sig ... end
module Compile_to_ir : functor (I : IR) -> sig ... end
module Compile_to_canonical_ir : functor (I : IR) -> sig ... end
module Compile_to_flow : sig ... end
module Compile_to_allocated_flow : sig ... end